The way we work with our clients is unprecedented.

 Our Approach

We guide our limited handful of clients in developing…




Every entrepreneur we choose to work with is able to get to a point of significant success in their industry. We help guide our clients to construct their organizations in such a manner that they never want for more revenue or profits. Each of our clients is able to get to the point where they possess an abundance of wealth; they have more than sufficient for their needs.




Due to our unique approach, each of our clients is able to develop their organizations into substantial prominence. They all are given the opportunity to possess tremendous influence on their surrounding environment. They hold a position of complete supremacy in their chosen field.




As a result of Æstus’ unparalleled coaching, each entrepreneur who has the opportunity to work with us is shown how to set up their organization in such a way that they are liberated to live their life the way they choose. They can receive this autonomy all without sacrificing profits or influence. They have the time and freedom to do as they please.




Above all, every one of our clients begins to or increases the level of good they do to their society. All of our clients change this world for the better, one piece at a time. Together we lead in a better world. We don’t sit idly by; we change the world by changing our local areas. We bring light and life to a dark world.

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of

succeeding at something that doesn’t really matter”

— D. L. Moody

Our Foundation

Æstus was founded by Philip Bredsguard. He has established multiple successful organizations beginning when he was thirteen. He is the current president of Liber Forum and Æstus. People began asking for his guidance in leading their organizations since he was seventeen. Since then, hundreds of entrepreneurs and other leaders have met with him one-on-one, asking for his counsel. After witnessing so many organizations struggle throughout 2020, he decided to devote his time to designing Æstus. A company that would liberate entrepreneurs from the constant stress that so often accompanies them, lead them to prosperity, and guide them to realize their true potential as individuals who have a tremendous ability to better society. Shortly thereafter, becoming a nationally recognized business coach.